FLIT Statistics

Statistics show that a Forced Landing Into Trees is a highly survivable option insofar as forced emergency landings go.

The statistics gleaned from the FLIT and Non-FLIT events currently documented clearly indicate this.

To view the case studies that comprise these statistics, please take the FLIT: Forced Landing Into Trees online training HERE: https://av8torsafety.com/courses/flit/

FLIT Global Event Map

The FLIT Global Event Map logs all aviation accident events that comprise the FLIT Statistics.

FLIT Global Event Map

Click on the FLIT Global Event Map above to access the live Google Map

FLIT & Non-FLIT Event Definitions

FLIT Events – aviation incidents/accidents in which both intentional and inadvertent Forced Landing Into Trees was used for a forced emergency landing option

Non-FLIT Events – aviation incidents/accidents in which a FLIT-option was available as a forced emergency landing option, but it is assumed that the PIC decided against it, landing/crashing adjacent the FLIT option

FLIT vs. Non-FLIT Statistics

(including AAF Airbus 320 Event)

FLIT versus Non-FLIT Statistics

Statistics for FLIT vs. Non-FLIT Events (including A320 Event*)

For Case Studies refer to FLIT: Forced Landing Into Trees online training: https://av8torsafety.com/courses/flit/

*Airbus A320 Event can be found in FLIT Case Study # 10: Airshow Crash – Demonstration Flight – Mulhouse-Habsheim, France – Airbus A320 [FLIT]

FLIT vs. Non-FLIT Statistics

(excluding AAF Airbus 320 Event)

FLIT versus Non-FLIT Statistics

Statistics for FLIT vs. Non-FLIT Events (excluding A320 Event*)

For Case Studies refer to FLIT: Forced Landing Into Trees online training: https://av8torsafety.com/courses/flit/

*Airbus A320 Event can be found in FLIT Case Study # 10: Airshow Crash – Demonstration Flight – Mulhouse-Habsheim, France – Airbus A320 [FLIT]